Synchronicities Coaching  Book A Session 

Services and Prices

Please email me if you would like to book a session. My services are delivered via Zoom. If you are a new client, I will send you a registration form and a consent and disclaimer form to read and fill out prior to our first session. I will require the forms to be sent back to me 48 hours before we have our session.
I require payment 48 hours prior to our session. A no-show is considered to be more than 15 minutes late. If you do not show up for our session and do not notify me 24 hours before our session, I do not give refunds. 
I take e-transfer and PayPal only.
If you are paying with PayPal, the App has a fee so the price for the session is a little bit more expensive by a few dollars.

My Process

In my sessions (regardless of the session type you choose) I always place a large emphasis on the way trauma affects us as well as on shadow work. I do not do light work because it isn't trauma informed or trauma-based. 

I view my energy healing and coaching sessions as collaborative processes. It's my role to create a safe, compassionate, and accepting environment to aid in the formation of profound awareness. I believe a client-lead, strength-based, body-based, mindfulness-based, and compassion-based approach helps you respond in profound, meaningful, and empowered ways. In terms of trauma processing tools, I place a large emphasis on body-based mindfulness techniques (so things like body scans, movement, asking different feelings found in the body questions, incorporating current healthy regulation tools you use into our sessions, and adding new tools to your tool box) that can be used in and out of our sessions.

In my channeling sessions, it is less of a collaborative process because sometimes the message that wants to come through isn't always the answer to the question you have at the beginning of the session. Sometimes the beings you want to communicate with aren't the ones that end up coming through too so I just encourage all of my clients to keep an open mind in our sessions because of this.


All consultations are delivered online.
human Coaching and energy healing consultation

An initial consultation is required prior to the coaching sessions and sound healing light language sessions for humans.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

Animal coaching and energy healing consultation

An initial consultation is required prior to the coaching healing sessions for animals. The consultation will be done in the form of a channeling session. 


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

Channeled healing art consultation

An initial consultation over Zoom is required for the channeled visual art commission.

For the channeled visual art commissions, an initial consultation is booked to work out when you'd like the piece completed by, to help me connect with you better, and to sort out all of the other details involved.


$150.00 CAD for a 45 minute


$157.00 CAD for a 45 minute 

Coaching Session Packages for Humans:

I am not a licensed psychologist. In the coaching sessions, we will be placing a large emphasis on healing from trauma and decolonization. 


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Coaching Session Packages for Animals:

The coaching sessions for animals are offered online. In the online sessions I will mainly be working with the humans to give them tools needed to help support their animals healing. We will be focusing on species specific outlets and enrichment activities to help them regulate their nervous systems. I mainly work with dogs and cats. I focus on helping the humans establish a system of communication with their animal family members in order to give them the most options possible. I believe that this helps animals develop a sense of empowerment in their lives and everyone deserves to feel empowered.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Channeling Sessions:

All channelling sessions are offered strictly online.
Divination session

There are a few different options for divination tools. There's oracle cards, tarot cards, ogham sticks, pendulums, runes, and found object throwing readings available. I typically end up choosing which option feels right before the session.  


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Mediumship session

People that have passed and people that are alive come through in these sessions.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute


The Akashic records are similar to a big energetic filing cabinet for what's happened to you, your soul, your soulmates, and the earth since the beginning of it all. You can find your soul contracts in this type of reading.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Animal Communication session

During an animal communication session, I will require a picture of the animal, which you can send to me before the session. This type of session is helpful if the animal has any kind of trauma, physical pains and illnesses, behavioural problems, disabilities, if they're dying, if they struggle with their mental health, and if you would just like to understand the animal better to know what you can do to better support them. A lot of the times, animals have some guidance for you regarding your life as well.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Plant communication Session

I do require an image of the plant. This kind of session is helpful if the plant has a bug infestation, is having trouble growing, has been neglected, has some plant illnesses, is dying, is unhappy, etc. to help you better support them.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Energy Healing:

Energy healing sessions are beneficial for treating PTSD and complex PTSD (trauma), anxiety, depression, behavioural issues, regulating the nervous system, lowering stress, helping pain management, physical wound healing, sleep difficulties, learning disabilities, other mental health troubles, and physical illnesses and infections (it should not be used as your only treatment, just as another support to help you heal). 
All energy healing sessions are delivered online.
energy healing for humans

For humans, the session is unlike the usual sound bath. I will be guiding you through different movements and breathing techniques which will be accompanied by the use of instruments and intuitive singing.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

energy healing for Animals

For animals, the session is unlike the usual sound bath, there will be the use of instruments, movement, and intuitive singing.


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Dream interpretation healing

To properly interpret a dream and bring forth the healing needed, it's imperative that we also explore the emotions you felt while you were in the dream to truly understand what's going on in your subconscious which is what we will be exploring in our sessions together!


$300.00 CAD for a 90 minute 

$200.00 CAD for a 60 minute


$312.00 CAD for a 90 minute

$210.00 CAD for a 60 minute

Channeled healing art

The piece will be 100% unique to what I'm picking up from your energy. The medium I use, the surface it's on, the size, the subject, and colours are all dependent on what I pick up on within you. The pieces can be used to meditate with, to channel with, to do energy healing with, to hang up in your home to clear energy in it, to heal your trauma with, etc. I require a picture or video of you (I prefer without any filters but not necessary) to be able to connect with your energy. Shipment and pricing will be determined after it's completed.


$200.00 CAD/hour

Final pricing depends on each piece individually (due to time spent on it, packaging, and shipping costs).

Client Reviews

“Overall my experience of the tarot reading I received was very detailed with accurate relations to specific events. I thought it was professionally done with a light hearted and open minded attitude from Olivia which made me feel comfort and trust from the reading. Letting me open up and really feel all the emotions and signs I got through the session. After the reading it made me feel like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and a new view on life from the experience.”

“I have never had any sort of card reading before or any exchange with a psychic for that matter. When doing my first Tarot and Oracle Card Reading I went into it very skeptical believing what could this person possibly know about me, and more than me, without even seeing me in person. However, not minutes after the reading began all my skepticisms vanished as Olivia was telling me things that no one could possibly just make up and knew things that even I was surprised to hear about myself and others close to me. The overwhelmingly positive experience I had with my first card reading impelled me to get a second card reading. My second card reading was nothing short of remarkable, I wasn't being told anything that I hadn't thought of myself however, it was enlightening to hear Olivia repeating these thoughts I have already had. Olivia's readings are something special, and I would urge anyone that is curious of the idea of any service she offers to give it a try, the experience is much worth an attempt."

“I was very nervous as I had never had a tarot reading before and had no idea how they worked. Olivia explained everything so calmly and was extremely kind during the whole reading. I asked 2 questions, the first about my present life and one about my future. It narrowed down to what I was really worried about and Olivia was an expert at providing advice on how I could improve my situation. Olivia continuously assured me that the reading is not set in stone when it turned a bit. She explained multiple aspects of free will and assured me that I will not have anything thrown at me that I can't handle, showing how much knowledge she holds of the subject. I really loved the time I had with her and would definitely do it again!”

For more content:

Go check out the link to my linktree below to see my TikTok and Instagram.

To contact me:

If you have any questions or would like to request a commission please email or call me directly and leave a detailed message. To book a session, please email me with your name, number, what kind of service you'd like, and the length of session you would like or click one of the "Book A Session" buttons.