Synchronicities Coaching  Book A Session 

Who do I work with?

I'm most passionate about working with humans and animals that have gone through neglect, abuse, and trauma. In my sessions (regardless of the session type you choose) I always place a large emphasis on the way trauma affects us as well as on shadow work. I do not do light work because it isn't trauma informed or trauma-based. 

I view my energy healing and coaching sessions as collaborative processes. It's my role to create a safe, compassionate, and accepting environment to aid in the formation of profound awareness. I believe a client-lead, strength-based, body-based, mindfulness-based, and compassion-based approach helps you respond in profound, meaningful, and empowered ways. In terms of trauma processing tools, I place a large emphasis on body-based mindfulness techniques (so things like body scans, movements, asking different feelings found in the body questions, incorporating current healthy regulation tools you use into our sessions, and adding new tools to your tool box) that can be used in and out of our sessions.

In my channeling sessions, it is less of a collaborative process because sometimes the message that wants to come through isn't always the answer to the question you have at the beginning of the session. Sometimes the beings you want to communicate with aren't the ones that end up coming through too so I just encourage all of my clients to keep an open mind in our sessions because of this.

Our Goal

By working with me, our goal is for you to gain a beautiful peaceful life through working with the physical body and nervous system. What a peaceful life entails is:

  • The ability to live life from a grounded place 

  • The ability to regulate your emotions and nervous system

  • The ability to be empowered to give yourself what you need fully and the ability to empower others to do the same for themselves 

  • Unity with yourself, other humans, animals, your environment, and nature

  • Having the tools to have strong, lasting, and healthy relationships with yourself and others that are built off of respect, trust, harmony, and love instead of attachment and addiction

  • The ability to hold a compassionate, loving, and judgement free space for your pain

  • The ability to love yourself and others unconditionally

  • The ability to be loved unconditionally

  • A renewed sense of self worth and higher standards for what you allow in your life

  • The ability to hear and trust your intuition and body when it speaks to you

  • A healthy and loving relationship with your body, food, substances, humans, animals, your environment, nature, work, your time, sleep, etc.

  • The release of a pain and fear aligned life that's aligned to disconnection, to move into a life that is aligned with love and unity, so you will be able to make heart centred choices based off of your intuition and trust instead of your wounds

  • A life that is simple, peaceful, balanced, natural, full of love, joy, trust, patience, understanding, depth, and pleasure that's authentic

  • Finding your life’s purpose and calling

Masculinity, Femininity, and Disconnection

Gender and sexuality plays an incredibly massive role in trauma and emotional processing, specifically when it comes to vulnerability and opening up. Society places a lot of social pressure and expectations on you depending on your genitalia and in doing that, it creates extremes within us when it comes to our feminine and masculine energies. We all have both masculinity and femininity within us because the universe runs on a state of balance. For balance to be present, you require a union between two opposing forces. When you’re constantly swapping from one extreme to the next it creates an incredible amount of instability and disconnection within you. You have different parts of you that are on both sides of the extremes. The concept of masculinity and femininity is based in misogyny. You won’t ever be strictly feminine and you won’t ever be strictly masculine. Online, content creators play into the concept of masculinity and femininity as if they’re secluded from one another but really there’s no such thing. They do it to increase misogynistic principles further to control women, men, and non binary folks. They disguise the misogyny by labelling it as a spiritual concept when it isn't. The concept of divine masculinity and divine femininity is sexist, homophobic, and transphobic to everyone and it suppresses human's fluid nature. It's important to understand what masculinity and femininity is to understand our wounds. When you separate yourself from that belief, all you're left with is wounds and people are passing that off as healing. When it isn't. To heal means to find togetherness. You cannot find togetherness if you keep looking at the world through the lens of separation. 

You cannot have one energy be in balance without also bringing the other side into balance as well because they’re the exact same thing. You bring both extremes together simultaneously. The perception that it isn’t the same energy is just a perception placed on humans by society to disconnect us from ourselves further to add to our codependency wounds. You do not need a masculine person or a feminine person to complete you. All you need is both energies balanced within yourself. You don’t need to worry about what energy you’re in, just be you and that’s enough.