Synchronicities Coaching  Book A Session 

Who do I work with?


  • From all walks of life with trauma, wounds, limiting beliefs, and/or have been abused (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and have been neglected)

  • That are involved with or have been involved with the law (in or out of detention facilities) 

  • Unhoused people

  • Veterans 

  • That have experienced struggle (no matter what it is)

  • Babies, kids, youth, adults, and seniors

  • LGBTQIA2S+ people and BIPOC

  • That are struggling with their mental health and addiction

  • That are non-verbal

  • With behavioural issues

  • That have intellectual or physical disabilities

  • That have chronic illnesses

  • That are dying

  • That want to explore their emotional body through the physical body by using nervous system regulating techniques

  • That are seeking direction and purpose in their life

  • That want to learn and try something new

  • That want to change their lives and become someone new

  • That want to expand, grow, and live their lives to the fullest

  • That want to learn more about their psychic abilities and discover new things about the spiritual world

  • That want to learn how to listen to and understand the signs and synchronicities that are sent to them by their higher power(s)

  • That want deep connection and unity and understanding with themselves, their intuition, their families, friends, animals, plants, environment, spirit team, ancestors, and higher power

  • That want to learn how to support and take care of themselves and others 

  • Twin flames and other types of soul connections

  • That are open to spirituality


  • Wild, domesticated, farm, and zoo animals with trauma, wounds, limiting beliefs, and/or have been abused (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and have been neglected)

  • Every kind of animal from the smallest insect to the largest animal (aquatic or land)

  • LGBTQIA2S+ animals

  • That have experienced struggle (no matter what it is)

  • That are struggling with their mental health

  • Animals with behavioural issues

  • That have intellectual or physical disabilities

  • That have chronic illnesses

  • That are dying

  • That want to learn and try something new

  • That want to expand, grow, and live their lives to the fullest

  • Twin flames and other types of soul connections

  • That want to become therapy animals 


  • House plants, plants in your yard or garden, and other outdoor plants

  • That have been neglected, are dying, infected with bugs, are struggling to grow, and are unhappy

  • That want to learn and try something new

  • That want to expand, grow, and live their lives to the fullest

Our Goal

By working with me, our goal is for you to gain a beautiful peaceful life through working with the physical body, mental body, and energy body. What a peaceful life entails is:

  • The ability to live life from a grounded place 

  • The ability to regulate your emotions and nervous system

  • The ability to be empowered to give yourself what you need fully and the ability to empower others to do the same for themselves 

  • Unity with yourself, other humans, animals, your environment, and nature

  • Having the tools to have strong, lasting, and healthy relationships with yourself and others that are built off of respect, trust, harmony, and love instead of attachment and addiction

  • The ability to hold a compassionate, loving, and judgement free space for your pain

  • The ability to love yourself and others unconditionally

  • The ability to be loved unconditionally

  • A renewed sense of self worth and higher standards for what you allow in your life

  • The ability to hear and trust your intuition and body when it speaks to you

  • A healthy and loving relationship with your body, food, substances, humans, animals, your environment, nature, work, your time, sleep, etc.

  • The release of a pain and fear aligned life that's aligned to disconnection, to move into a life that is aligned with love and unity, so you will be able to make heart centred choices based off of your intuition and trust instead of your wounds

  • A life that is simple, peaceful, balanced, natural, full of love, joy, trust, patience, understanding, depth, and pleasure that's authentic

  • Finding your life’s purpose and calling

Masculinity, Femininity, and Disconnection

Gender and sexuality plays an incredibly massive role in trauma and emotional processing, specifically when it comes to vulnerability and opening up. Society places a lot of social pressure and expectations on you depending on your genitalia and in doing that, it creates extremes within us when it comes to our feminine and masculine energies. We all have both masculinity and femininity within us because the universe runs on a state of balance. For balance to be present, you require a union between two opposing forces. When you’re constantly swapping from one extreme to the next it creates an incredible amount of instability and disconnection within you. You have different parts of you that are on both sides of the extremes. The concept of masculinity and femininity is based in misogyny. You won’t ever be strictly feminine and you won’t ever be strictly masculine. Online, content creators play into the concept of masculinity and femininity as if they’re secluded from one another but really there’s no such thing. They do it to increase misogynistic principles further to control women and men. They disguise the misogyny by labelling it as a spiritual concept when it isn't. The concept of divine masculinity and divine femininity is sexist, homophobic, and transphobic to everyone and it suppresses human's fluid nature. It's important to understand what masculinity and femininity is to understand our wounds. When you separate the energy, all you're left with is wounds and people are passing that off as healing. When it isn't. To heal means to find togetherness. You cannot find togetherness if you keep looking at the world through the lens of separation. 

You cannot have one energy be in balance without also bringing the other side into balance as well because they’re the exact same thing. You bring both extremes together simultaneously. The perception that it isn’t the same energy is just a perception placed on humans by society to disconnect us from ourselves further to add to our codependency wounds. You do not need a masculine person or a feminine person to complete you. All you need is both energies balanced within yourself. You don’t need to worry about what energy you’re in, just be you and that’s enough. 

What to Expect by Working with Me

My Techniques with Humans

In my sessions you can expect us not doing a lot of talking. When we talk, it distracts you from feeling the various feelings going on within you and it's important to sit with that by working with regulating your nervous system to create safety in your body once again by:

  • Noticing the sensations that are happening in your body without judgement or resistance and learning how to hold space for the discomfort and sit with it. Asking those sensations in your body questions and getting curious about them

  • Doing everything one step at a time, taking breaks, incorporating things slowly, and by feeling things slowly and gently with boundaries to increase the feelings of safety in your body

  • Using intuitive creativity and creation (art, cooking, music, etc.) to express the feelings (making art without an idea in mind of the final product and moving intuitively with it moment to moment)

  • Journalling and creating a list of needs (for the physical body, mind, and spirituality) for you, your plants, your animals, your relationships, and your environment to create routine and stability in your life in order to increase presence, connection, empowerment, respect, trust, harmony, slowness, rest, joy, passion, creativity, love, peace, relaxation, and fun 

  • Gut healing and intuitive eating. For gut healing I recommend seeing a naturopathic doctor and a western doctor to get tests and develop a healthy diet to properly nourish your body. Somethings naturopaths check for are things the medical system over looks so if you can, I recommend getting tests from both of them to be certain of anything missing)

  • Incorporating exercise gently and slowly into your life

  • Incorporating a sleep routine to make sure you're getting all of the sleep you need

  • Gentle intuitive movement (movement without a plan in mind and following the sensations of your body like stretching, clenching, expanding, contracting, tapping, massaging, gripping, holding, caressing, applying heavy pressure, applying gentle pressure)

  • Making intuitive sounds (either vocally or with instruments)

  • Breathing techniques 

  • Discovering your own symbolism for everything in your practice to better help you understand the signs, messages, synchronicities you're receiving from your guides and higher self, give you the tools to connect deeper to yourself and your spiritual practice, to harness the power of these symbols in your practice, and understand how all of these symbols have an impact on your life and spiritual practice (meanings for planets, different phases of cycles (seasons, astrological cycles, menstrual cycle if you're someone who bleeds, etc.), shapes, colours, objects, smells, physical sensations, instruments, binding techniques, elements, sounds, numbers, animals, plants, biblical figures, spirits, deities, etc.)

  • Comfort objects and stimtoys to bring focus back to the body through the senses (momento's, something to smell, something to make sound with, something to listen to (music), something to taste, somethings of varying textures to feel (soft, rough, squishy, hard, fluffy, smooth, etc), and somethings to look at)

  • Crystals, gemstones, and rocks

  • Essential oils 

  • Instruments

  • Tarot and oracle cards

  • The use of your intuition, nature, food, routine, cultural practices, creativity, your passions, your joys, your hobbies, objects, animals, plants, deities, spirits, spirit guides, friends, family, environments, elements, and other professionals to act as sources of support for you during your healing journey

  • Altering your state of consciousness by consuming things like drinking water, eating healthy food, taking certain herbs/supplements/vitamins/minerals/medications (if needed with the consult of a doctor and naturopath), and exploring some psychoactive plants like ayahuasca, mushrooms, marijuana, peyote, and salvia (don't ever explore these substances without the guidance of a well experienced and trained guide. I am not an experienced or trained guide.) 

  • Parts work (working with all the different parts of you)

  • Inner child work

  • Treating diseases, illnesses, pains, and infections (see a doctor for medical attention)

Why I use These Techniques 

Every being has a road map in their bodies, showing where they've been, who they were, who they are, and who they're becoming. The body shows us where everything is to know how and what to work through. The mind can only show us the things we see that are clearly marked, but the body holds all of the secret back roads and tunnels of our subconscious (see the section about trauma to understand how trauma is stored in the body). By working with the body, with creativity, with regulating the nervous system, with using your intuition, with creating safety in the body, doing parts work, doing inner child work, being gentle with yourself, and by treating the illnesses, infections, and diseases that are happening in your body, you'll be making space for the old parts of you that haven't gotten the change to grow with you yet to catch up. 

Being grounded and present in your life is extremely vital in order to have peace. Humans get really caught up in the future or in the past and they have a really hard time just being in the moment so they end up letting life and connections miss them because they're going to fast for them. When you're grounded in your body and you move slowly you no longer let life, connections, joy, peace, relaxation, passion, and fun pass you by because you're able to sit there with it and meet life in the middle (you're able to be present). Life doesn't happen behind you and it doesn't happen in front of you, it happens inside of you, you just need to slow down to notice it. 

My Techniques with Animals

In my sessions you can expect us working a lot together human to human, but also us working with your animal together by:

  • Using animal communication (telepathy) to help you get a better understanding of the animal 

  • Slowing down, taking breaks, and holding space for discomfort and sitting with it

  • Learning as a human, how to connect with your animal from a place of grounding, gentleness, love, respect, and slowness

  • Working with the humans to empower them to be able to provide for their own needs in order to provide for the animal's needs 

  • Energy work for the animal (movement, exercise, massage techniques done on the physical body, moving my hands in their energy body, sound healing, light language, etc.) a lot of it is going to be hands on and silent with the animal

  • Establishing rules, boundaries, repetition, and routine for you and your animal 

  • Giving you the tools to know how to help your animal regulate it's nervous system when it gets anxious

  • Working with their gut healing and nutrition to help them regulate their nervous system (check with your vet)

  • Discovering how to create a peaceful environment in yourself, in your family, and at home to encourage the animal to let go and feels safe 

  • Doing stress relieving activities with the animal outside of our session. Discover the things that bring them passion, purpose, and joy and do them together as a family! 

  • Coming up with a list of your animals needs and making a schedule dedicated to meeting them

  • If there is any form of disease, infection, illness, or physical pain working with a vet to help manage that 

Why I use These Techniques 

A lot of the time animal's needs go missed. Part of the healing process for animals is in meeting their needs to create safety at home as a foundation so that in our sessions, we can shift things in a more grounded and stable way. I work with the human a lot because the humans are the setters of the environment. If the humans are unable to support the animal, no stable or continual change will occur in the animal. For an animal to feel safe and heal, it needs a stable environment with stable humans, if the humans are unstable it won't work because there is a lack of security. I cannot be with your animal 24/7, but you can and I can giving you the tools and empowerment to know how to heal with your animal. It will help you feel a lot less powerless in the circumstances and it will increase your bond together. Your animal doesn't want you to be perfect for it, perfection is unobtainable, it just wants you to try and give it your all. Animals are a lot more forgiving than humans realize they are. In order to meet another (to connect with another) you need to be able to meet yourself first. You can only know someone else as deeply as you know yourself. 

My Techniques with Plants

In my sessions you can expect us working a lot together human to human coming up with plans and also with the plant by:

  • Using plant communication (telepathy) to help you get a better understanding of the plant 

  • Creating a new potting mix

  • Transplanting it

  • Incorporating a fertilizer 

  • Treating bugs and disease 

  • Changing the amount of water you're giving it

  • Moving it to a different place (sometimes energies get caught in your living quarters and your plants absorb them and they end up dying or getting sick)

  • Doing energy healing (working in their auric field with my hands, using sound healing, light language, etc.) this is especially beneficial if they had been neglected for a really long time 

  • Doing research into what your plant needs in regards to water, sunlight, soil conditions, pot size, etc. 

  • Giving the humans tools to better manage their stress because the plants pick up on that 

  • Developing a schedule with your plants to meet their needs and requirements 

  • Making it a priority to spend time with your plants 

Why I use These Techniques 

Humans don't really see plants as living beings because they have no internal organs and function a lot differently than us. Plants are actually very emotionally complex beings with a lot of needs just like an animal or human. Just like any being, plants need connection. Taking the time to be mindful of your plants, treat them as your equal, and honour their needs for connection is a really big step towards not only their healing but also your own. When you open yourself up to connecting with your plants, you're opening yourself up to unconditional love because that's all they are. 

I work with the humans a lot at the beginning because the humans are the setters of the environment. If the humans are unable to support the plant, no stable or continual change will occur in the plant. For a plant to feel safe and heal, it needs a stable environment with stable humans, if the humans are unstable it won't work because there is a lack of security. I cannot be with the plant 24/7, but you can and I can giving you the tools and empowerment to know how to heal with your plant. It will help you feel a lot less powerless in the circumstances and it will increase your bond together. Your plant doesn't want you to be perfect for it, perfection is unobtainable, it just wants you to try and give it your all. Plants are a lot more forgiving than humans realize they are. In order to meet another (to connect with another) you need to be able to meet yourself first. You can only know someone else as deeply as you know yourself.